Saturday, 3 September 2011

Linux/Ubuntu for android (compatible with cm7)


I am going to prensent you today how to install ubuntu on your android device. Some of you propably already tried ,and had problems

making it work (or not). I modified the tutorial to make it easier, and corrected things. I also modified some paths in the scripts so that it can work with

cm7, if you are not a cm7 user you can download the normal scripts too.

I based myself on this tutorial:


So let's start !

First, download the following cm7-ubuntu.rar file (decompress and copy over the whole ubuntu directory to the exeternal SD card of your Android smartphone/tablet:

Download ubuntu.rar:

If you are not on cm7, download cm7-ubuntu.rar, and replace the scripts by these:

1) Make sure your phone is rooted and that busybox installed (if you are on cm7 all is ok).

2) Download Terminal Emulator on the market. Open it and type “su” to enter super user mode, then type “cd /emmc” or "cd /sdcard" if you are not on cm7, and “cd ubuntu” to enter the ubuntu directory in your SD card of your Android device.

3) Next, type “sh” to run the script which will basically get your Ubuntu image ready to run on your Android smartphone/tablet.

If you get error messages, don’t worry and keep going.

4) Type “bootubuntu” to enter Ubuntu. (Next time you enter Ubuntu, you just need to type “bootubuntu” from your /emmc/ubuntu directory, no need to run again.

If you got “root@localhost” at this point, congratulations! This means your Android OS comes with loop device support and Ubuntu is now running “chrooted” on top of your Android OS!!!

However, if there is an error like : "losetup: /dev/block/loop2: No such file or directory", this propably means that app2sd is conflicting with your sdcard, so to solve that

move all your applications on your internal sdcard and try again. If this doesn't solve your problem, that means that your kernel doesn't support loop

devices in most of the case, try flashing other kernels.

If after that you still have problems post, and I will try to reply when I have time

5) How to Install Programs on your Ubuntu!

Once you’ve got Ubuntu running on your Android device, it’s time to install some Ubuntu packages(or programs).

Type “apt-get update” to update, this is the first thing you will need to do before installing any new programs.

6) How to Install OpenSSH-server on your Android Ubuntu!

Type “apt-get install openssh-server” to install OpenSSH-server. What is OpenSSH-server? If you want to connect to your Android Ubuntu via an IP address (and SSH into it), you will want to do this.

7) How to Install TightVNCServer on your Android Ubuntu!

If you want to access the GUI of your Android Ubuntu, you can install TightVNCServer, which allows you to access the Android Ubuntu via Android VNC app on your Android smartphone/tablet or even access it remotely from your desktop computer.

Type “apt-get install tightvncserver” to install.

8) How to Install LXDE!(optional)

Next, we will install LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment). Although we can use Ubuntu’s default GNOME (and trust me I love that), LXDE takes up less memory so our GUI access will be faster.

If you like GNOME, you can skip this step though.

Type “apt-get install lxde”

How to setup xstartup file so that when TightVNCServer is started, the LXDE runs instead of GNOME:


cat > /root/.vnc/xstartup
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
icewm &

Then press Volume-down&D togethe.

9) How fix language and start vnc at each boot:


touch /root/.bashrc
cat > /root/.bashrc
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export USER=root
rm /tmp/.X1-lock
rm /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
vncserver -geometry 1024x800 <== Here, you can change the resolution settings 1024×800 to the resolution of your liking. (Do not write that !) Then again press Volume-down&D together. GT-I9000 Cyanogen Mod 7 Kernel : cm7 stock INSTALL

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