Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Windows Mobile developers need to customize their apps to Windows Mobile 7.5

As is always the case, you have to be carried out after an update, or adjust some things. That’s not even in Windows Mobile is different and so Microsoft has posted a blog entry, a detailed explanation. It says that the developers who have developed their apps for Windows Mobile Nodo need to adapt this new update to the “Mango”. If that does not happen, the apps that are not compatible with Windows Mobile 7.5 is frozen.

This is of course a lot of work for the developers and hobbyist developers do not always have time for it and therefore it is expected that implementation will take some time. For us normal consumers this means so much that when our Windows phones get the new update “Mango”, then we will see, not all apps in the Marketplace, but only if the developers have conducted this adjustment. Who needs more information can be read through the article in the source.

Source: Windows Team Blog via

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